I've posted photos from today which are representative of most of the days in our house lately. Zoe is definitely one of Lucy's favorite playmates. Zoe, as you can see, is a saint. Lucy has her hooked up to something or "dangling" for hours a day. Dangling means that whatever strap or leash that Lucy has attached to the dog remains attached while Zoe is at large. The Payoff referred to in the title is the ten years spent with Zoe--all the expensive shoes she ate, the clothes, furniture and bags she ate, the carpet she ruined... It's paying off. She's a great playmate for Lucy.
I spent some time on our treadmill today while Lucy watched WordWorld on TV. After I got off, I was looking for the remote and Lucy told me it was probably on my "escalator."
As for Gabe-he's doing the baby thing: eating, sleeping/growing, and moving milk through his intestines. He's also smiling a lot and making all kinds of sounds. He likes to train in the early morning and right now, he's working on stomping. I would post more pictures of him today, but it's a bit of a hassle to get him in the right light with clean clothes on and with a good background. They would look just like the ones I took a week or two ago, only with different clothes. He's wonderful, though. Such a (ahem) joy to have around. 'S true, though. He is a joy--as is Lucy.