Normally, I would sort of frown upon the idea of Brian taking someone else on a date. But this girl....well. Who could blame him?
This photo may become one of my favorites of all time... You know those family photos that just etch themselves in your memory? They end up representing whole periods of family life. My sister just put up a magnet board full of them. I can describe a dozen of them for you, no sweat...
There's one where my brother, Mike, and I are standing in front of our house--he's holding something he made of Legos, I'm holding our cat, Pepper, as a kitten. I'm missing teeth, and have short hair. Mike is wearing plastic 80's glasses. Yes, I think maybe this picture of Brian and Lucy is one of those. Look how Lucy's holding his fingers.
News: Gabe has gained 18 ounces since birth and has grown an inch. Maybe he'll be tall like his daddy. :)