This is a picture of Gabe's first time in a high chair. No, I'm not feeding him solids--I just figured that it might be a good spot for him to practice sitting without toppling over. Gabe is playing with a toy that Lucy picked out for him before he was born, when they both fit nicely while I rocked her before bed.
Today started out okay... Got Lucy to pre-school on-time without resorting to the car. This made her happy. (I like the walk, too, but am less vocal about it.) And that was the end of the smooth-ish start to the day. Instead of cleaning up while Lucy was gone, I did some re-arranging of things that are normally stored, etc. While this is productive in one sense, usually it just feels like a waste of time. These things have to be done, however. And now Gabe's warm-weather, big-boy "wardrobe" is good to go.
Although I enjoyed time out of the house at a group lunch at a nearby park, the rest of the day has been pretty blah. I am sick. Just a cold. Poor little Gabe has got the same thing. As for me, I've been doing everything I can think of to shorten the life of this illness...except sleeping enough. Sleep has been coming hard the past few weeks. Connection? I think so.
This is perfect, because only a week ago, I was giving wellness tips to a friend, Caleb. (Interestingly, the Brewer's yeast that I was crediting my wellness to RAN OUT just before I got sick.) I now have more.