The first thing Brian said to me this morning was, "Look at you, being a good mom." He might have an inkling about how this kind of comment tends to effect me, but in case he doesn't, let me be explicit: I LOVE IT.
This kind of off-hand comment can give me fuel for an entire day--if not more.
I am often tempted to post other things he says to me that I love (as inspiration for other husbands), but somehow they're not all quite appropriate to be cast upon the internet wind. (Heh.) ...Especially considering that my husband is naturally a much more private person than I am.
I woke up this morning when Brian did, to let the dog out. I'm not sure how much time passed between then and the alarm, but it seemed like mere minutes. I have been trying to keep up my early-rising habit even when I know Rachel can't make it. She has been experiencing insane-work-crisis-schedule lately, so it's testing me... Anyway, I thought I could get up and at least take myself and Zoe for a walk which could turn into a run. Then I realized that, as much as Lucy and Zoe love to be outside, my time would be better spend in just getting the house together. Then, later in the day, we could all go out together.
This was easier to figure out with a recent walk/run under our belts. Wednesday, Brian was going for a run with Zoe and Lucy and I just went along (at our own pace--because jogging with a stroller is much different than with no stroller for me). It was great. I wish I had kept better track of how far Lucy walked. Well over a mile, I think. She's the one who wanted to. I just kept pace with her.
While we were walking, Lucy noticed a step leading to someone's house. She climbed up and said, "Mom, watch me!" As I watched, she executed a perfect hop down to the sidewalk with both feet. Her cousin, David, who is about a month older than she is, has been leaping from tall buildings for a long time, but this is the first time that I ever saw Lucy hop down by herself. I was so proud of her!
Lucy came home from the walk with exactly two sticks (twigs), one black and white rock, two "pink" lava rocks, and one intact acorn. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I think Lucy did, too.
Time for me to go back to being a good mom!
My house is almost in order
and Lucy's still asleep.
Time for me to go back to being a good mom!
My house is almost in order
and Lucy's still asleep.