Notice anything new about this post? I broke up my chain of titles. Previous to this, I thought it would look very nice to have each post in the same format. The problem with this is that I frequently come up with good titles for my posts that have no glory when they're just in the body of the post.
I also realized that I actually will go back and re-read some posts on other blogs, but only when I can identify them by their title. My mind just does not associate naturally with numbers, and it's hard to force friendship, you know--I have never remembered a post just by the date. Wait. Retraction! Dates like 2.14.2008 or 12.24.2007 would retain some significance in my numerically challenged, digitally deficient thought process.
Note: I thought I was being kind of original when I came up with "numerically challenged." To satisfy my curiosity, I did a Google search for that phrase. There were only about 329,000 hits.