Sunday, September 21, 2008

09.21.08 -- Gold Fish Mortality and Planes

Lucy playing with one of her favorite friends yesterday

Tonight, after a collective family birthday party where I ate too many homemade orange rolls and too much homemade ice cream (strawberry), I tried to feed Lucy's fish and Baby Fish spit the food back at me. This led me to question the health of this poor little fish and I realized that I hadn't changed their water for way too long--probably 2 weeks.

If Baby Fish dies, it is my fault.

In my defense, I did not waste time. I poured Ken and Baby Fish into a clean salad bowl with clean water and set to rinsing everything from their bowl. They're back now.

I tried to feed them again, but they didn't even notice. The fish seem to get a little stupid after I dump them back into their newly-cleaned, oxygenated bowl. The tiny bubbles cling to everything and the fish are oblivious.

Lucy is making noise in her sleep. She'll probably sleep through it--most of the time, she does... Although she's been having some hard nights lately. At least mornings are easy. The few exceptions are odd. The latest:

7:30 ish, Lucy wakes in her bed, screaming.

Lucy toddles to our room and, sobbing, tears rolling down her cheeks, crawls into bed with me.

Me: What's the matter, Lucy?
Lucy: I want to go on a plane. (more sobbing, more tears)

We ended up calling Daddy so he could explain why a plane was not on the agenda for the day.

Lucy loves planes. I often have to explain to her why we can't just get on a plane any day we feel like it.

Lucy is now sleeping on my lap and I need to get her into bed.