Monday, March 23, 2009

03.22.2009 -- Monday, Monday....

Whenever I try to plan a blog entry in my mind, it explodes... (The plan, not my mind.) Aw man, scratch that. See? I am here in front of the computer only because it has been so long since I have been here. That is no good reason to subject any third party to a lame-o blog entry, but nobody's making you read this. (In case you missed it, that was your cue to go to Zeer or Facebook... something more interesting...)

the boys before bed -- only missing Izaak!

This past weekend, I got to party with some of my nieces and nephews. I actually got less of them than I was expecting because a sister-in-law hijacked them for a few nights. I hold no rancor for her, but I was looking forward to having lots of time with them. As it turned out, I got only about one-third of lots of time with them.

Maybe people believe me when I say this, maybe they don't: I love to be taken out of a routine. Anything new invigorates me. The crazier it is, the better. It activates some of my favorite brain parts...those problem solving parts that sometimes shut off once I've got something down.

Now we're back in the swing of things. Which, for me, being a Monday... (Strike that. I am not a Monday.) For me, Monday usually means getting very little but mental preparation done for the week.

It hasn't really been too bad, I guess. I did spend quite a bit of fun-time with Lucy today. First we went outside to make a snowman with Lucy's friend, DJ. We ended up making two snow people, then came inside, played a game and did puzzles.

When it was time for DJ to go home, Lucy and DJ were both reluctant, but Lucy borrowed from her Aunt Rebecca's playbook and sent DJ home with fruit snacks (her idea). I've gotta say, they're pretty adorable, those two. When they say goodbye, the often give each other a tender hug and a kiss. As innocent as can be, of course.

Where was Gabe during all of this? For the first bit, he was napping in our big weather-proof stroller a few yards from the snowmen. Second bit, inside--he was in my arms, of course!

Brian has a new diversion: Crossfit. I checked their blog this morning and it made me want to do burpees and push-ups and lunges and lots of other things. So I did. This morning wasn't a total waste fitness-wise.

I guess I even got some laundry taken care of today. So things are humming along--not so bad for a Monday.

This post pretty much sums up my mindset lately, which, in fewer words and one simple metaphor, could be described thus: treading water with a half-patient, half-amused smile on my face.